
ghini exposes several search strategies, the most simple of which allows you to enter values, or <TERMS>, and ghini will attempt matching them against the data:



Filter, based on the value of the default selection fields of any of the search domains. <TERMS> is a space-separated list of values. A match is found if one of the default search fields in one of the default search domain is found equal to one of the given terms.

The filter succeeds on an element of a domain if all the terms match for that element.

If prefixed with the optional keyword or, the filter succeeds if any one of the terms matches.

The terms strategy can be seen as a shortcut to the following, where we limit the search to a specific <DOMAIN>.


<DOMAIN> <op> <TERM>

Filter based on the value of the default selection fields of the specified <DOMAIN>, applying a specific comparison.

<DOMAIN> is one of the data types, that’s accession, plant, taxon, etc.

<op> is a comparison operator, that’s =, <=, etc.

The domain strategy can be seen as a shortcut to the following, in which we explicitly mention the <field> to be matched.

single field:

<DOMAIN> . <field> <op> <TERM>

Filter, based on the value of a single field of the specified domain.

Besides the three above term matching strategies, we have a rather complex and powerful SQL-like search strategy.



This is the most generic and powerful search. You give a search domain, then specify an expression to be matched. The literal string where in second position is what triggers usage of this strategy.

COMPLEX-QUERY is an expression, composed of boolean tests on fields, either of the domain or of a connected domain (think of accession.plants.images), tested with an operator (think of =, like, contains, against values (think of a string, or a number). Boolean tests can be combined with and, or, not, and parentheses.

For domains that specify a geometry (for example, plant, where the geometry field is the current plant location) you can use the clause geometry in area, where you specify the area by selecting it in the map page.

Please consider that ghini will fall back to one of the above more generic search strategies if the query is somehow incorrect. This will most likely return an empty result set.


<query> | depending

On any of the previous search strategies, you can append the query modifier | depending. This changes the resulting query-set, applying the depending function to each of the elements in the original result.

Logged in users can use the ghini.server API to run these queries, or use the ghini.web interface to enter them and have the results nicely organized in the various ghini.web tabs.